Individual and Couple Psychotherapy since 1982


Writing as an occupation is a really a hard job, sometimes it can be, in the short-term, unrewarding and a very odd professional career. But the truth is, that what remains unpublished does not exist, because it is never displayed and seen by other eyes. Thus, in the medium and long-term, writing is actually a perennial gift.

That is why it is so important that we can express and share our clinical work and research results in a written manner. This way we are preserving and cultivating a labor inherent to the essence of human nature: the transmission of knowledge in a safe and objective way.

I have written and published articles for Newspapers (El País, Levante), for health and wellness magazines (Natura Medicatrix, Cuerpo Mente, Mente Sana, Mas alla, etc...) and for academic journals (Informacion Psicológica, Revista de la Asociación Española de Neurosiquiatria, etc...). I am also the author of several books and some educational videos.

Estudio Clínico Serrano
Xavier Serrano Hortelano

C/Serpis, 36-34
46022 Valencia (España)

+34 963 728 435
+34 628 600 372

Escuela Española de Psicoterapia
Reichiana (ESTER)

C/ Rep. Guinea Ecuatorial
 4, 1ºC. 46022 Valencia (España)

+34 963 727 310

© 2023 Xavier Serrano Hortelano. All rights reserved