Individual and Couple Psychotherapy since 1982


Cooperation – Self-management – Self-government

Ecology’s laws can be applied to social groups, organizations and companies. We must risk ourselves and leave behind what is known to create something different from what is producing all this human misery and alienation. We need to recover our humanity and human-wellness with new projects and new challenges.

For these, we have suggested two alternatives that must be applied simultaneously:

A) Optimization and dynamization of the resources a company or organization has. This must be done within the framework of self-management and self-government, which also means building a strong teamwork where each member is recognized; each one has a function and is a protagonist. We are talking about conceiving a system where everything is shared, the difficulties, the crisis and common goals, but also the economic profits and advantages according to cooperation and solidarity principles.

For A, an interdisciplinary team is required so a systemic audit and assessment can be performed and new proposals advised with an ethical and ecological perspective.

B) The application of our clinical experience and knowledge of psychosocial preventive interventions to conflicts generated within institutions and companies caused by competitive dynamics, vilifications, social or ideological prejudices, or by unconscious personal conflicts with authorities.

After a systemic assessment, we will use Character-Analysis and Body-Psychoterapy techniques to lower muscular tension, cope with hidden emotions and co-create a well-being atmosphere of mutual recognition, respect for everyone’s rhythm and commitment to a group identity where teamwork, cooperation and solidarity are embraced as identity signs.